


sweeping across the Sea of Okhotsk (鄂霍次克海) are more than just a natural phenomenon; they carry with them the weight of a decades-long dispute between Japan and Russia. At the heart of this frozen conflict lie the Northern Territories (北方領土), a group of four islands – Iturup (色丹岛), Kunashir (国后岛), Shikotan (擇捉島), and Habomai (歯舞群岛) – claimed by both nations. While the world has moved on from the Cold War era that initially fueled this territorial tug-of-war, the issue remains a significant obstacle in Japan-Russia relations.


This dispute can be traced back to World War II. When Soviet forces occupied the islands at the war's end, they were not officially annexed by the USSR. This ambiguity has fueled Japan's claim that the islands are rightfully theirs under pre-war ownership and international law.

外交僵局: Despite numerous rounds of negotiations and peace treaty talks since the Cold War, a resolution remains elusive. Both sides maintain firm stances: Japan insists on the unconditional return of all four islands, while Russia refuses to cede any territory it considers rightfully its own. The political complexities within both nations also contribute to the stalemate. In Japan, public opinion strongly favors reclaiming the islands, putting pressure on leaders to adopt a hardline stance.

经济和战略意义: Beyond the historical and territorial claims, the Northern Territories hold economic and strategic significance. The islands are rich in natural resources, including fishing grounds and potential mineral deposits. Control over the region also provides valuable geopolitical leverage. Russia uses the disputed territory as a platform to assert its presence in the Pacific, while Japan sees it as vital for safeguarding its national security interests.

未来的道路: Breaking this decades-long deadlock requires a combination of political will, compromise, and creative solutions. Both sides must recognize the need for progress and explore alternative frameworks beyond strict territorial claims.

Some potential avenues include:

  • 联合开发: 探索在岛屿上进行协同经济项目,重点关注共享资源和环境保护,可以促进合作并建立信任。
  • 逐步重组: 以有限地区访问或特定资源的联合管理为起点,分阶段推进的方式,可以为更广泛的解决方案铺平道路。
  • 国际调解: 邀请联合国或其他有影响力的区域行为体作为第三方的参与者,可以在谈判过程中提供中立平台并促进妥协。

Ultimately, resolving the Northern Territories dispute requires both Japan and Russia to move beyond entrenched positions and embrace a spirit of cooperation. It is a long road ahead, but the potential benefits of peace and stability in the region outweigh the costs of continued discord.



  • 渔业争端: 北方领土拥有丰富的渔业资源,这成为了日本与俄罗斯之间频繁摩擦的焦点。双方都声称拥有对这些水域的权利,常常发生在该区域捕捞的争议,甚至引发了小型冲突事件。例如,2017年,一位日本渔民在擇捉岛附近被俄罗斯海岸警卫队拦截并扣押,引发了日俄外交争端。
  • 民间抗议: 日本民间对北方领土的重视程度非常高。每年都会举行大型游行示威活动,要求政府收回领土。2019年,日本首相安倍晋三在北方领土问题上采取强硬立场后,日本的民众对俄关系更加负面,并表达了对北方领土归属的强烈渴望。
  • 军事部署: 为了维护自身利益和安全,两国都加强了北方领土地区的军事部署。俄罗斯在岛屿上建设军事设施,日本则加强了海上巡逻力量,这进一步加剧了双方的紧张局势。例如,2021年,俄罗斯在色丹岛部署了新型反舰导弹系统,引起日本的强烈不满和担忧。


